PowerofONE Workshop
Our goal is to engage in an open dialogue to understand and bring awareness to language that is used to discriminate, our guided workshops are to support participants to explore how one word to change our lives, from negative to positive.
What is Discrimination?
Discrimination is an action or a decision that treats a person or a group badly for reasons such as their race, age or disability. These reasons, also called grounds, are protected under the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Art supplies you need
Your choices canvas, paint, & brushes.
The PowerofONE Project
STOP Hate with paint!
Help stop bullying & discrimination …
Have some fun with paints…
Be the change you want to see..In two easy steps
STEP 1 -Reflect and paint a negative word, symbol, or statement that you have experienced… Think of a time you or someone you know experienced bullying/ discrimination, then paint it in black paint on your canvas. .
Let paint dry …….Then
STEP 2 - Using the colorful paints, cover up the negative word with a positive word, symbol, or statement. Get creative…. Think about how you can use the line or the letters to create a positive message.
Taking something negative and making it positive…Spreads a message
We want to see what you have created... share your message with us on Instagram @broadeninghorizons #stophatewithpaint #powerofone Or email admin@bhorizons.ca